Sunday 26 October 2014

Sunday 26th October

Flew into Alice Springs today for my trip to Uluru. The hostel seems nice if a bit basic. My room is pretty big and when I checked in I was the only one in it so far (there are two bunks beds) so fingers crossed I might not end up with any room mates for the next two nights. Have spent the afternoon toasting by the pool which is small but unheated so bliss to sink into. The other guests seem a really mix, there was a middle aged Ozzie couple by the pool and a group of European backpackers (prob all early twenties) playing in the water, all the blokes seem to think smoking in the pool is acceptable which is a bit grim. It's about 5pm now and I am enjoying an ice cold cider in the shade before I grab a shower. There's some kind of BBQ at the hostel tonight so think I'll stay here for dinner and get up early tomorrow am to explore the town. If it's not too hot I'm going to go up Anzac hill to get some views of the town. 

Saw the hostel where I'm staying post Uluru on the bus from the airport. It's the other side of the river but seems a tiny but closer to town than my current one.

Last few days in Brisbane were really lovely, Friday afternoon me and Ollie went to see Gone Girl which we both though was a pretty good transition to screen. Saturday I was up very early to o to Brisbane market with Ollie and Trish to do the weekly veggie shop and indulge in some wonderful food. I went for a chilli infused hot chocolate and Greek yogurt with passion fruit which was amazing. As we left I grabbed an orange and raspberry ice tea. Think I will try to make sure I'm back in Brisbane for the sat before Christmas as I'm sure I could buy Ollie and Trish lot of yummiest presents from there. 

Got back to Ollie's and helped him unload the car as he's still not allowed to do any heavy lifting and helped with the Saturday clean and sort of the kitchen. Jack went for an appointment with the chiropractor and brought back cupcakes which we shared 

In return I helped him with one of his college projects by testing a video game he has created. Ollie and Trish were out sat evening so me and Jack stayed in watching Adams Family Values, I helped tidy the kitchen by polishing off the end of a bottle of wine.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Thursday 23 October

Had a lovely first few days in Australia. Monday was spent acclimatising to the heat and going to mount ommeney shopping centre to try to register for Medicare and a phone card. Both were slight failures as I didn't have the right documents. Headed back to Carlyle road and watched some tv with jack before taking Sam out for a walk with Ollie. 

Tuesday I was home alone as Ollie was in hospital and trish and jack were working. After a failed attempt to get back to mount ommeney ( waited over an hour for a bus that never came) I spent the morning in the garden reading and then managed to finally get on a bus in the pm. Did a bit of shopping and got registered with Medicare and Telstra the, apparently, best coverage network. Made it home successfully and took Sam out for a walk where we got a bit lost despite having a map. It meant we had had a nice 1 hour walk by the time we made it home so I felt I deserved a nice big dinner with several glasses of Margaret River wine. Jet lag hit and I was in bed by 9.

Wednesday was mostly spent sunning myself in the garden and trying to ensure I was helpful to Ollie after his op. Another early night due to jet lag.

Was up horribly early (6:30 am) today so headed into the city centre for an explore. Had some brunch at the first place I found which ironically turned out to be an English pub, still the eggs Benedict were good ( egg yolks were bright orangey yellow) and then walked up an down Queen street to do a bit of shopping. Jumped on a ferry and spent a  lovely hour going up and down the river admiring the jacaranda trees which are in full bloom at the moment. Got off at the south bank and walked along to the gallery of modern art for a look at some modern aborigine work which was pretty cool, especially a fascinator made of emu  feathers traditional weaving and an emu bone.

Enjoying a glass of wine by the river before I get the train to indroopilly to look round the shops there then back to Carlyle Road for a sit down and foot rest.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Fairly dull first leg of the journey, sadly the sleeping pills the doc gave me and 3 glasses of champagne didn't help me sleep. Got about 2 hours tops. Arrived at kl very hot, sweaty and grumpy not helped by the lady at the transfers desk telling me my ticket was not one that could be upgraded so my plan to have a sleep in business on the way to Brisbane has been foiled. Managed to buy a bottle of scotch for uncle o, picked up some glenmorangie as I recognised the name but not sure if its the right type. Sitting at the gate now waiting to board and get the laptop out so I can work my way through the last series of true blood. 

Take off

Currently siting in the Malaysia air lounge on my second Bloody Mary feeling very nervous and excited about everything. Am sure I'm going to get a bit weepy either on the flight or at KL when I get lost and can't find my connecting flight to Brisbane.