Tuesday 11 November 2014

Alice Springs 31st October to 4th November

31st October
Made myself the most hated person in my dorm by forgetting to turn off my 4am alarm so had a frantic scramble for that while receiving death stares from everyone else.

Eventually got up at a more sensible time and headed for page 27 a cafe everyone had said was amazing. Had one of the biggest breakfasts I've ever eaten and spent the morning shopping for gifts for mum and dad and a kangaroo leather hat for myself. The afternoon was spent reading and snoozing by the pool before I headed for Montes again. Met Lucy and Amelia who had been on the quiz team the night before and ended up getting horribly drunk on cider with them. Got a cab back to the hostel at about 1 am and  was the last one to bed in the dorm.

1st November
Woke up with a rotten hangover and eventually dragged myself out of bed at 10am in search of food. One of the cafes was serving breakfast burritos which was a godsend so I stuffed myself on that before dragging myself to woolworths for 'healthy' hangover food- whole grain baked crisps and avocado dip. Still felt grotty so treated myself to a gel manicure before going back to the pool.
Met up with Steph and Emma to get dinner which was slightly interrupted by a very awkward moment with an aborigine lady asking for our food,we then went to a local production of a musical that steph's supervisor was in. Was good fun and a bit different to what I would have done instead.

2nd November
Early start to see the Olive Pink botanical gardens, very pretty and lots of nice wildlife as well and plants. Had breakfast in the cafe that took absolutely ages so didn't leave to do the 4km walk to the Telegraph Station until 11. 

Decided to walk along the dry river bed in my flip flops which was a very very bad idea as I got lost and had to climb some rocks to find the path I was meant to be in, took about 1 hour to do the walk in the heat and I was v thankful for all the water I'd packed.

Telegraph station was ok, bit disappointed by the glossing over of the stolen generation period, got a cab back to town and spent some time at the pool before meeting Steph for the local Indian society's Diwali night.

Was really good fun with performances from local kids who were great and a massive veggie buffet. Again really fun to do something different.

1st November
Early start to get the bus to the desert nature park. Amazing morning learning about dingoes, kangaroos and other Aussie animals. Finished the morning with a fascinating talk from one of the aborigine guides about how the tribes lived in the desert. 

Did some final bits of shopping in town and had some more pool time before meeting up with Steph and Emma for a last drink and to say goodbye. It's been lovely meeting some 'local' ish people who can show me what's going on that isn't just drinking.

2nd November
Utter weirdos in my dorm last night so got up early and escaped to page 27 for a v indulgent breakfast of French toast with peaches, pistachios and marscapone. 

Pretty easy transfer to the airport then spent most of both flights asleep. Got into Brisbane just as Ollie was getting to the airport do was able to meet him at the pick up point avoiding extortionate parking charges. Had dinner then and early ish night in a nice big double bed, having to just share my room with George the cat who gave me lots of welcome back snuggles. 

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