Saturday 1 November 2014

Monday 27th October

No sign of the alleged BBQ at the hostel last night so I walked into an incredibly deserted town centre, the only place open serving food that wasn't crazy expensive was a Chinese place so i had a quick dinner there that was surprisingly good. as it was still early (8:30pm) I decided to walk back to the hostel. Found I had two room mates for the evening  who both seemed nice. however they told me that even at half eight its dangerous walking back from town so I'll make sure to get cabs any time after sunset from now on. they girls had just come back from uluru and one of them kindly gave me her fly net as she said it was pretty essential piece of kit for the bush. they also advised me to buy baby wipes as apparently I will constantly feel sticky and dirty from the red dust. one of them had to be up at half four which was a great excuse for me to have an early night too.
My alarm went off at 7 this morning and I was off by about 7;40.  I headed down to Anzac hill and walked up to enjoy the wonderful breeze for 8 am. Lovely 360 views of the town and and the surrounding hills. No one else was up there for at least 20 mins so I could enjoy the peace. Headed to a cafe for a lovely breakfast of poached eggs on avocado with a lime and coriander dressing on'fat toast' with bacon and an iced coffee that came with a massive scoop of really good vanilla ice cream. Had a walk along todd mall (the main shopping drag) and called into a pharmacy  get baby wipes. was really tempted to buy a kangaroo leather hat  that folds flat but decided to wait till I get back from Uluru.

Went to the pioneer women's museum which is based in the old gaol. absolutely amazing place as much of the gaol is as it was when it was in use. Really interesting display Telka Williams the matron of the gaol in the 60's to 80's and about the changes she implemented. There was an exhibition about the women who first came out to Alice and what they achieved culminating in a massive quilt signed by  over 100 women who have been selected for being pioneers in their fields e.g. first Australian gold medallist at Olympic  games, first Australian female fire fighter etc.

Headed next door for the Royal Flying Doctor Service centre, v interesting tour about the work the flying doctors do and how important they are as a service to the isolated communities. Want to buy a few bits in their gift shop but again decided to wait until I'm back in town later in the week. Had a delicious lunch in the cafe of leek, pumpkin and feta quiche with a big salad. Headed back to the hostel for a sort of my gear for the early start tomorrow and an afternoon by the pool.Will grab a subway from across the road for dinner and get another for breakfast for tomorrow am at the same time.

Bit worried I've booked too much time here for after my tour. Will have 4 full days to fill and I seem to have seen most of Alice itself. Will try to spend a day at  desert national park and a long morning at the botanical gardens but reckon the will be lots of time round the pool reading. 

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